MBAS Newsletter, Term 1, Week 1, 9th February 2024
MBAS Calendar
Kia Ora tātou – Greetings to you all
School Docs Policies and Procedures
Skool Loop App - Another Way to Keep Informed
Uniform Shop Hours 2024
Year 9 Beach Day
Y9-13 Swimming Sports - Next Monday
Room 33 - Team Building
M4 - Maths
M8 - Swimming
BNZ Court of Dreams Competitons Winners
Wellbeing Whispers
MBAS Calendar
Kia Ora tātou – Greetings to you all
Haere mai and welcome back to another wonderful school year! It was great to see the sun for extended periods and everyone out enjoying what our wonderful community and location offers over the summer.
We started the year last Friday with our senior students completing course confirmation, our senior student leadership team meeting to plan the year ahead and also welcoming our new international students to the kura and the community.
Monday saw us welcome all of our incredible primary students back into the kura along with our Year 9s. Our Year 9's led by their Dean Ms Buchler spent the day connecting with each other and their kaiako through activities on Buffalo Beach.
Wednesday morning saw the entire kura come together to welcome our new staff and students through a whakatau, led by Matua Marcus and supported by the Year 7 - 9 rōpu students. Our Tumuaki Ross Dunn addressed the kura and talked about the flight of the tītī as represented in te whare Puahape. The manu (bird) flies and connects the earth with the sky and represents the learning journey of our ākonga through our kura, growing their knowledge and soaring to destinations as wide as the sky.
As our week comes to a close we would like to wish all our ākonga and whānau all the very best for an excellent and successful year ahead.
Ngā mihi nui,
Mike Wilkinson
Deputy Principal - Senior Years
School Docs Policies and Procedures
Skool Loop App - Another Way to Keep Informed
Uniform Shop Hours 2024
Monday 2.30pm -3.30pm
Wednesday 8.30am - 9.30am
For all your second hand uniform requirements
Year 9 Beach Day
"What a great way to start the year" .... this was the comment from many of our year 9's on Monday when we went to Buffalo beach to do some team building and spend some time getting to know each other. The weather was perfect and our students tackled the team activities like champs! We were so fortunate to have the Hot Water Beach Lifeguard crew join us and give our students some basic 'lifeguarding tips' - thank you to Gary and Taimania Hinds for giving up their time to give our students the best experience and to look after them while they had some play time in the surf! We are hoping that new friendships and connections are made and that our year 9's settle into a great year of learning!
Y9-13 Swimming Sports - Next Monday
Year 9-13 Swimming Sports
Monday 12th February
9.15 am first race commences
Dress in house colours
Bring a great attitude & your big voice!
Real Fruit Ice Cream available - Eftpos and cash $5
Bring plenty of food & water, hat & sunscreen
No body paint - zinc ok
Room 33 - Team Building
Room 33 completed a great team building activity today, they only got given 3 pieces of paper and a tape roll to construct the tallest tower. Well done Room 33, those towers look amazing.
M4 - Maths
M4 have started learning about Statistics and conducted a Statistical Investigation this week. They asked questions, gathered and recorded data and made statements based on their findings.
M8 - Swimming
M8 showed off their skills in the pool this week. They were overall, very confident. There was a lot of swimming underwater, flips, blowing bubbles, touching the bottom, and even some floating, gliding, and handstands! Ka pai M8!
BNZ Court of Dreams Competitons Winners
In the holidays 25 invitee's & 5 adults had an unforgettable night with the @breakersnz in Auckland as they took on Tasmania.
Big thanks to Leisa McCleery who entered her Club into the #courtofdreams competition.
The players that went to the Court of Dreams experience were selected as a thank you for the volunteer time they had given to basketball as a young referee, coach or helping with after school basketball programmes or just their passion for the game at club & regional representative level. This was an amazing opportunity for our Mercury Bay Boars Basketballers.
The prize was made up of the following:
* 30 spaces for players and caregivers
* Transport to Auckland and overnight accommodation @ Lylo Hostel in the central city.
* Transport to and from the venue
* A VIP area with food, water and goody bags for attendees
* A 12-minute game on the court before the BNZ Breakers play
* Forming an arch to high five and welcome the BNZ Breakers to the court
* A dedicated courtside stand for your team