MBAS Newsletter, Term 3, Week 8, 13th Sept 2024
MBAS Calendar
Kia Ora tātou – Greetings to you all
Sports and Cultural Photos - Ready to Order
Mobile Dental Clinic
Uniform Shop
M9 - Catapults
Room 30 and 31 - Science
Enviro Group - Poster Competition
Year 7 and 8 Wearable Arts 2024
Golf Academy
Level 1 DVC
Through Time Quiz Night Fundraiser
Latest Plane Build Log
MBAS Equestrian Champs
Sports Results
Y5-8 Basketball
Basketball Prizegiving
MB Secondary School Rugby Prizegiving
Community 'Thank You'
Tertiary Tidbits
Nurses Notes
Community Notices
Skool Loop - One Stop School Information App
MBAS Calendar
Kia Ora tātou – Greetings to you all
Primary Years Update
Kia ora e te whānau,
Another busy week as we are nearing the end of term 3! The time has flown at kura and the learning has continued to be vast and purposeful. Obviously we are not quite done yet:)
Dance Show:
Thank you everyone for your support with costumes, getting students here for the shows and ensuring they can be their very best:) They are excited to showcase all of their hard work. We understand there are some whānau that missed out on purchasing tickets. We are overwhelmed by the support you have all shown with sold out shows across the board. Thank you for all of the feedback in regards to ticket sales and availability. We have learned a great deal throughout this event and we will definitely use your feedback to inform any events in the future.
Thank you Lisa Gifford for your input and support with the dance show, your expertise has been invaluable and we appreciate your time.
A massive thank you to Miss Marra for organising an amazing event that incorporates all of our primary students - definitely not a small undertaking. Thank you also to our primary teachers who continue to keep the wheels turning.
Structured Literacy:
All of our teachers of students that are years 1, 2 or 3 have completed at least 2 intense days, with our first cohort completing 3 days of professional learning for structured literacy. This has been a huge undertaking of learning that teachers will now be able to implement through their programmes. The changes will not happen overnight but with time to unpack the learning and plan for next steps, we are hopeful that the benefits of the programme will become evident.
TUIA - In school visits:
We have been lucky with visits from Becs from our local museum again - this time the kaupapa is TUIA. A kaupapa that we haven’t really revisited since the TUIA 250 commemoration held at Wharekaho in 2019. Make sure to ask your child what they learned!
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori:
Next week is Māori Language week. The theme for 2024 is Ake, Ake, Ake - A Forever Language! Whether you’re a beginner or more advanced, we encourage anyone and everyone who wants to, to take part in whatever way suits your circumstances. It could be greeting every person you encounter in te reo Māori, you could ask your child to teach you something different everyday. The options are endless! If you or your colleagues in your workplace want to participate and register to join the Māori Language Movement here is a link to do so:
Here are some links if you would like to engage further:
Printable Resources:
Ngā mihi,
Hira & Pip
Sports and Cultural Photos - Ready to Order
Sports and Cultural photo key codes have now been emailed to all parents of participating students. Please check your spam if you have not received it.
Mobile Dental Clinic
Just to let everyone know our Mobile Dental Clinic will be moving from Te Rerenga School to Tairua School on
19th September
Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop Spring Clearout Big GIveaway - MORE ITEMS ADDED
Lots of FREE uniform items (all year groups) in a selection of sizes
Final two days of FREE items
Monday 16th Sept - 2.30pm to 3.30pm
Wednesday 18th Sept - 8.30am to 9.30am
- primary polos age 4, 6 and larger sizes plus hats -- shorts age 4 up to 14 plus skorts age 5 up to 16 - - navy track pants - smaller sizes- navy polos age 8, 10, 12 plus a few larger sizes - - a few white polos plus fleeces age 10 to 14 -- selection of rain jackets age 12 upwards -- no Canterbury, no hoodies -
Uniform shop will also be open for purchases (cash or card) - everything $5 except Canterbury items $10 (nothing in stock currently).
Last Uniform Shop opening for term 3
Monday 23rd Sept - 2.30pm to 3.30pm (free items NOT available)Wednesday 25th Sept - CLOSED until term 4.
VOLUNTEERS WANTED - to help out at the Uniform Shop in term 4. Mondays and Wednesdays hours as above. One day or both days. Contact the school office if you're keen.
M9 - Catapults
This week we created catapults. The trickiest bit was using the rubber bands and the best bit was testing them out!
Room 30 and 31 - Science
Room 30 and 31 are in the middle of science and inquiry around rockets. This involves group work, technological design and lots of physics!
Enviro Group - Poster Competition
This week, the Enviro group held a poster competition in the primary school (for years 3-6), where students made posters about native animals, plants, or any other learning they had done for conservation week. Thank you to all of the teachers who put aside time to get their classes involved, and thank you to all of the students who put so much hard work into their beautiful posters!
1st place prize for years 3-4 is Phoebe from M3:
2nd place prize for years 3-4 is Arlo from M1:
1st place prize for years 5-6 is Minnie from RM 34:
2nd place prize for years 5-6 is Ryder from RM 33:
Year 7 and 8 Wearable Arts 2024
In term three as part of their technology and visual arts programmes the year 7 and 8 students participated in a Wearable Arts unit. They viewed wearable art online and were introduced to the technological design process: scenario, brief, attributes, research, concepts, development, final design and evaluation.
They gathered materials and were encouraged to use sustainable or recyclable materials sourced without cost.
In weeks 4, 5 and 6 they had to produce the garment within 9 learning blocks at school.
As they created they endeavoured to record the process through sketches, photos and text. They also wrote a description / commentary suitable to be read aloud to an audience.
On Wednesday 4th September the final designs were put on and the year 7 and 8 students hit the catwalk at the Wearable Arts Showcase in the school hall.
Thank you to the designers/models who put hours into thinking, designing and creating their gorgeous garments and were willing to strut their stuff to music and under lights.
Thank you to the year 7 and 8 KAURI / learning coaches who encouraged creativity and helped solve the problems during the making of the art.
Thank you to Jenny Bloom and Anne-Maree Mcdougall for stepping in to help with crowd control on the night.
Thank you to Dave Mulholland and senior students for the music, sound and lights.
Thank you to Janet Hoogwerf and Zhyrra Jumapao who took the photographs.
Congratulations to the year 7 and 8’s who were brave enough to be the MC’s on the night, you were awesome.
Finally to the parents of these creative children. You helped gather resources, calmed the nerves and turned up on the night to cheer the designers / models on, thank you.
Robyn Fotheringham
On behalf of the Year 7 and 8 Learning Coaches
Golf Academy
Our golf academy had a great day out at Purangi Golf Club on Wednesday. The students played an ambrose style friendly competition with Xavier, Cooper and Josh taking the win. A huge thankyou to Purangi Golf Club for having us, to the parents that came and supported on the day and to Mercury Bay Golf Club for giving the kids access all year to practise their skills.
Level 1 DVC
Through Time Quiz Night Fundraiser
What a great night! Thank you to all who came along and participated in the evening. We congratulate you all on your costuming and hope you enjoyed your night.
Our wonderful Quiz Master and MC, Fabian Roberts: CFM/Parent, was once again in fine form and delivered the quiz with a great deal of finesse. Thanks also to our score keepers Logan and Fiona, you did a fantastic job. Congratulations to our “ Beach Az “ winning quiz team, this is the second year they have won.
We have many people to thank and so will begin with everyone who donated a grocery item for our grocery raffle. This was an amazing success with our winner, Cassy Lucas, very excited about receiving both the groceries and the wheelbarrow. Second prize went to Ken Peters.
Our night would not have been the success it was without our wonderful supporters. Your generosity with donations to auction items was fantastic. See a full list of our business supporters below.
We were fortunate to have Rob and Ange Ball from Ball and Co, one of our gold supporters, assist in the running of the auction. A lot of fun and there was some fierce bidding.
Liquorland, another of our gold supporters, went over and above, not only helping us with the alcohol for the evening but donating prizes. They also stayed behind at the end of the evening and helped to clean up. What a crew!
To Well Stocked Deli for their support and the extra bits and pieces. To Tinca, Kizzy and Fiona thank you for the amazing work you did in the kitchen.
To Dave Mulholland, a huge thank you for setting up the lights and tech equipment in the hall. We would have been bamboozled without your assistance.
Poppy Carpenter, Sam Ribet, and Sunny Steele, thank you for your entertainment. Your talent was amazing with many commenting on the quality of your voices as they left. Sam set the scene before the quiz started and had teams who arrived at 6pm up and dancing.
Last, but by no means least, a great big THANK YOU, to the office staff, Karin, Jenny, Nickie, Lorraine and Janet for all the work you did behind the scenes. To the cleaners, students who helped with setting up and anyone else we have missed a big thank you.
Overall, the night's efforts contributed to the purchase of a shade cloth and seating around the school. As we write this newsletter the yet to be confirmed figure for the night is approximately $6,000.
Our committee worked hard to run this successful event. We are two parents of the school and three friends. We are looking for extra members and support. Please leave your name at the office, if you would like to be involved.
Kathy, Colleen, Rebecca, Megan and Jenni
Friends of Mercury Bay Area School Committee
Beach Az - Winners Liquorland Team - Gold Supporters Cassy Lucas - Grocery Raffle Winner
Latest Plane Build Log
This week - Wing Construction, Mid Fuselage Section, Parts Perparation.
Open the photos to read the full log.
MBAS Equestrian Champs
Last week during Winter tournament week a team of 5 riders and 6 horses went to the North Island Secondary Schools Champs in Taupo.
- Ella Scott with PS Xmas Spirit
- Ella Simpson with Pinto Dude
- Tahlia Osborne with Sweet Soul Kalani
- Lexi Ford with FE Goodness Gracious
- Sarah-Kate Lusby with Bendermerry & Out of this World
The riders competed in 5 Equestrian disciplines over 4 days; Competitive Trail Riding, Dressage, Arena Eventing, Show Jumping and Show Hunter. It was a huge event with 500 riders over 90 teams.
- Ella Scott placed 1st the 1m Arena Eventing
- Lexi Ford placed 4th in the 1m Show Jumping
- Sarah-Kate (on Bendermerry) placed 4th in the 80cm Show Jumping
These girls efforts across 2 show jumping rounds and 1 show hunter round landed Lexi in 5th place overall in her division, Ella Scott 8th and Sarah-Kate 10th. All the MBAS riders combined points placed the team 20th!!! Huge thank you to all the parents that supported these girls to achieve their goals this week. That's not always represented by a ribbon or a place; it's a clear show jumping or arena eventing round, a dressage score above 60% or a show hunter round with a qualifying score above 66. These girls definitely all had their fair share of wins!
Sports Results
Junior Boys beat Rototuna Reserves 4-0.
Goals to Elijah Bianchi, Yugo Kawai, Joel Iggulden and Curtis Treherne.
The Junior Boys have now won the WSSFA Division 3 title with a game to spare. A fantastic result!
NI Heartland Under 16 Champions Thames Valley
Your 2024 North Island Heartland Under 16 Champions Thames Valley
Beat Whanganui 17-5
Beat King Country 3-0
Beat Eastern Bay of Plenty 34-8
Congratulations to our students who are part of the U16 Thames Valley Squad - Oscar McGregor, Tyron Cummings, Kyson Mansell, Taj Lorimer and Ridge Rameka.
Y5-8 Basketball
Our 5-8 Basketball program started last Wednesday 11th September and goes for 6 weeks. If students are keen for this programme they can come to the school gym Wednesday 2.15pm.
Session times are
2.15pm to 3.30pm for year 5/6
3.30 to 5pm for year 7/8
$20 per child registration
Basketball Prizegiving
**Date change**
Basketball Prizegiving Friday 18th October in the school Gym from 5pm- followed by pizza and scrimmage.
MB Secondary School Rugby Prizegiving
Thursday 19th September
Mercury Bay Rugby Club rooms
Community 'Thank You'
Thank you to
Farmer Auto Village who have taken on 2 students from year 10 for work experience
Tertiary Tidbits
Institute of Sport Open Days
For more information and how to register, see:
Find out about Fees Free 2025
For all your information please click this link -
Nurses Notes
Waikids Free Children’s Ear Service will be in Whitianga on:
Monday 23rd Sept 2024 - 3pm-4.30pm (this is a drop in clinic only)
Tuesday 24th Sept 2024 - 7.30am-5pm (this is an appointment/ and drop in clinic)
Wednesday 25th Sept 2024 - 7.30am-10.30am (appointment/and drop in clinic)
Any parents who would like an appointment for the 24th and 25th Sept clinics can contact 07 838 3565 to book.The Ear Bus will be parked up across from the cinema in the Lee St Carpark.
Free ear clinic service for children.
All children must be accompanied by parent or legal guardian, otherwise a consent form must be completed.
For enquiries regarding this service or to book an appointment please contact The Children’s Ear Clinic on 07 838 3565.
The Ear Nurse can provide advice on: glue ear assessment and management, wax/foreign body removal, grommet checks, treatment of discharging ears.
Please note clinics may be cancelled without notice due to unforeseen circumstances. Clinic will be closed for staff breaks. These will be noted on clinic door.
The T3 ear bus schedule can be found at the link below:
Children's ear clinic » Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand Waikato (
Community Notices
Christmas Craft Fundraising
Te Korowai - Whānau Day - Thames
Cricket Club Muster
Cricket Club Muster - Thursday 26th September from 4pm - Come down, register, have a go in the nets, meet a Northern Districts Player (TBC!), sausage sizzle. Head on down to the Moewai Sports Park.
* Team Practices commence first week of Term 4.
MB Cricket Club - Key Dates
More Key Dates
Registrations Open – 6th September
AGM – 15th September 2:30pm @ Whitianga Hotel
Muster – 26th September 4:00pm @Moewai Park
Registrations Close – 2nd October
Trainings Commence – 10th October @Moewai Park
Game Dates Term 4 – 19th October – 7th December (no game Labour Weekend)
Games Dates Term 1 – 15th February – 29th March
Registrations are open for the season and fees are $60 for the two terms.
Swim Club Registrations - Now Open!
SWIM CLUB REGISTRATION ARE NOW OPEN! ALL WELCOME! Head over to the Mercury Bay Swim Club facebook page, they have the registration form pinned at the top or email them directly See you poolside... - Swim to Live - Live to Swim
After School Art Classes
Need Help Getting your Drivers Licence?