MBAS Newsletter, Term 4, Week 8, 6th Dec 2024
MBAS Calendar
2025 Start Up Dates
Kia Ora tātou – Greetings to you all
Attendance Matters!
MBAS New Bank Account Number
Kindo School Payments Now Live!
KINDO Lunch Orders
Library Book Returns
TVP Athletics
Y6 Leaders
M1 - Science
Santa Parade
Hei 7 - Mathematics
Te Hā o Hei - Waiatwheta Hut
Y7-8 Assembly
Y9-10 Mural Academy
International Students End of Year Programme
Madison Morgan - Open Water Competition
Chiefs U16 Development Camp
Nurses Notes
Community Notices
Skool Loop - One Stop School Information App
MBAS Calendar
2025 Start Up Dates
Kia Ora tātou – Greetings to you all
From the Primary Years
Kia ora rā e te whānau,
Well, we are on the home stretch!!!! We have had a busy time since our last newsletter slot.
Year 1-2 Cross Country Fun Run
Awesome whānau turnout once again to support our students.
School Gala and Colour Run
Well what can we say! Thank you all for your support with donations - raffle items, baking, white elephant items etc. Most of all, thank you for coming and supporting our kura and your children - seeing whānau together, having fun as a community was really the cherry on top. Obviously none of this happens on it’s own - a huge thank you to Miss Marra and the Gala Committee for the organisations and co-ordinating, and all of the staff and volunteer helpers. We appreciate you all:)
Santa Parade
Despite the rain on Saturday, we were able to join other student leaders of MBAS to spread some Christmas cheer in the Santa Parade:)
Primary Prizegiving
This will be happening on Thursday 12th December from 9:30am - 10:30am in our school hall. This is also the last day for 2024. Primary students will still have a full day of school:) Please note that this event is to celebrate the achievement of our most senior primary students, and to farewell our year 6 students. This year we will also be acknowledging special KAURI Awards across each cohort within our primary years. We would love you to join us if you are able to.
Primary reports and 2025 Class Placements
You can expect to receive your child’s end of year report when they get home on Thursday after school. Included with their report will be a stationery list and a letter informing them of their 2025 class and teacher. We thank you for all of your feedback. Please be assured that we have read and considered all 224 responses we received, and have placed students according to voice from whānau, students and teachers. The reality is we are not able to give everyone everything they would like, we have tried our very best:) We thank you for your support.
We’re not quite done yet:)
At this time of the term, and especially the end of the year, students are tired. Tired students often means lower levels of tolerance and resilience. We realise daylight savings can make bedtimes challenging because if the sun is still up then surely we can be too:) What we know is that students who are well rested and have had adequate sleep can be better equipped to manage themselves:)
Other bits n bobs:)
- Last day for lunch orders will be Wednesday 11th December. The canteen are also trying to use up all of the stock they have on hand which means as some stock runs out they may not order more. If you see an item missing from the Kindo app, this will be the reason why.
- Please have a look at the lost property in M0.
- Please ensure students are coming in their correct uniform and with a school hat.
Ngā mihi,
Hira & Pip
Attendance Matters!
Running Late?
Being late for school has a negative impact on your child's learning. Being just 10 minutes late every day adds up to an hour a week of lost learning. Over a year this adds up to one week of school missed in a year!
Being late for class often means important instructions are missed and the class is interrupted. Your child may feel uncomfortable and on the outer with peers. Children need to arrive on time ready to settle into their school work. Arriving at least 5 minutes before the first bell allows your child to interact with their peers and teacher and get themselves ready for their busy day.
Attending school regularly and arriving on time helps prepare children for the real world, where it is expected that they turn up every day and on time. (this has been taken from the Attendance Matters booklet)
Our data for the week of 25/11/24; students arriving late for class.
Year 1 10/76
Year 2 8/68
Year 3 8/69
Year 4 4/52
Year 5 8/60
Year 6 2/40
Year 7 5/107
Year 8 1/87
Year 9 28/97
Year 10 30/89
MBAS New Bank Account Number
We have changed who we bank with as a school! We are now with ASB please make note of the new school account number
Kindo School Payments Now Live!
KINDO Lunch Orders
Library Book Returns
All MBAS library books need to be returned ASAP to avoid any possible fees. The Library is currently undertaking its annual stocktake and there are no more book loans for 2024. A bill may be charged for any books not returned.
TVP Athletics
Last week we attended the TVP Athletics at the Paeroa Domain. Our Cluster Peninsula Central produced some fantastic results and everyone really enjoyed the competition.
Thanks to all the parents who travelled over to support the athletes.
Here is the link for the Thames Valley Athletics 2024 results:
Peninsula Central Cluster results:
Penny Stockton 9yr 60m 1st, 1st 100m, 1st 200m
Archie Penwarden-Nash 8yr 60m 3rd
Neela Sacault 12+ 1st 100m, 1st 200m, 3rd 800m
Rio Eccles 8yr 2nd 200m
Sarico Chiet 11yr 3rd 200m, 1st Longjump
Sairee Johnstone 11yr 2nd 1500m
Artur Pletts 11yrs 3rd 1500m
Boh Boyd 12+ 4th 1500m
Piata Morgan-Joyce 10yr 2nd= Highjump
Shyla Gill 12+ 2nd Highjump
Jack Fearnley 8yr 2nd Longjump
Zoe Pederson 9yr 2nd Longjump
Ryder Weir 3rd Longjump
Sunny O'Brien 12+ 2nd Longjump
Sharna Proctor 12+ 4th Longjump
Keylan Taogaga 8yr 1st Shotput
Carter Werehiko 9yr 3rd Shotput
Celeste Jowsey 8yr 2nd Discus
Willow McKeown 11yr 4th Discus
Y6 Leaders
The Year 6 leaders have been busy with Mrs B this week painting games on the concrete in bright and inviting colours!
M1 - Science
We had a fantastic time over at the science lab with Mr Fairweather this week. The theme was earth sciences and it rocked! Mr Fairweather set up a model of a sand dune and beach then added a trickle of water, demonstrating the effects of erosion on the environment. We were able to watch how the model changed and exposed layers of shell that had been covered. We looked at lots of different rocks and learned about sedimentary rocks, volcanic rocks and metamorphic rocks. We compared two different volcanic rocks - one was dark and heavy and the other light and airy and discussed how these were formed. Then we got to be geologists, looking for hidden treasures buried under the sand. It was a busy and very interesting time - thanks secondary school teachers!
Santa Parade
On Saturday last week a group of our new Yr 13 leaders, our house leaders and some teachers formed a 'human float' and marched through the mainstreet, representing our school at the annual Santa Parade. Even though the weather was not the best, our team had loads of fun handing out lollies. We also had a few gifts which we got from Woolworths to hand out to some of the children. We hope we spread some joy to the children of Whitianga. Merry Christmas everyone!
Hei 7 - Mathematics
Hei 7 using wine gums and skewers to learning about polyhedra in mathematics.
Te Hā o Hei - Waiatwheta Hut
The students from Te Hā o Hei had their final adventure for 2024 an overnight tramp to Waiatwheta hut in the Kaimai-Mamaku Ranges on Thursday the 28th of November. The weather was fantastic and the parents and students were amazing. We learnt about the environmental care code and leave no trace philosophy, tramping safely as a group, how to pack correctly, how to cross a river safely, correct clothing and equipment, menu planning, bush safety, signs and treatment of hypothermia and hyperthermia, navigation and how to read topographic maps before we went. While there we applied the correct river crossing technique, explored streams, learnt about freshwater stream ecology and visited a glowworm grotto. A huge thanks to everyone who made this learning experience possible.
Teresa Shepherd
Y7-8 Assembly
During the year 7 and 8 assembly, we awarded merit certificates for technology rotations for the second half of the year and our awards for mathematics and science, English and social science, Te reo, self-management health, PE and engagement, and a positive attitude towards all curriculum areas. Congratulations to all of the recipients.
Y9-10 Mural Academy
Local mural artist Jason Tahatika has been working with Ms Hoogwerf and the year 9 and 10 Mural Academy students to collaboratively produce a mural for the school.
International Students End of Year Programme
Over the past few weeks our international students have been engaged in a fun-filled, adrenalin fuelled end of year programme, From rafting to paintballing, ziplining to Surfing. Adventure seemed to be the theme for this group of students as many joined tours offered by New Zealand Educational Tours visiting sites throughout the North and South Islands.
They were also willing to share their culture through preparing traditional foods and hosting an Oktoberfest dinner for their homestay families. Some have even expanded on that open-minded approach towards immersing themselves in the school and community through taking on swim coaching roles.
However, all good things must come to an end. Last week there was an opportunity for the students to gather and to farewell new friends and celebrate our time together as a group one final time over a hearty farewell breakfast at ESPY café. A great bunch of students who will be very much missed, but who have left an indelible mark on our kura and will always be a part of the MBAS whanau!
Madison Morgan - Open Water Competition
Year 8 student Madison Morgan completed her first Open Water competition swim in Russell on Saturday for the Banana Boat NZ Ocean Swim Series.
Madison swam the 1km course in just over 15 mins and came 2nd overall out of 27 finishers.
Congratulations Madison we look forward to more comps for you in 2025.
Chiefs U16 Development Camp
Congratulations to Kyson Mansell and Tyron Cummings who’ve been selected to attend the Chiefs U16 Development camp
Nurses Notes
Chicken Pox Update
Kia Ora Kura Whanau
Have seen a few cases of Chickenpox this week so it’s a good time to refresh your knowledge
Please see the healthily link below – this is an awesome website for any health questions
Community Notices
Art Escape - Senior Student Exhibition
Mercury Bay Performing Arts
We’re bringing Disney’s Aladdin Junior to the Coromandel!
We at Mercury Bay Performing Arts and Coromind Magazine are so excited to share this news!
This is a fantastic opportunity for children from Tairua, Whenuakite, Coroglen, Mercury Bay, and Te Rerenga to be part of something magical.
Want to know more?
Details will be revealed early next year, so keep an eye on our updates. Get ready for a show full of music, magic, and local talent!
Spread the word and join us on this magical journey!
Mercury Bay Performing Arts
Childrens Free Ear Clinic
Monday 16th Dec 2024 from 3pm-430pm (this is a drop in clinic only)
Tuesday 17th Dec 2024 730am-430pm (this is an appointment/ and drop in clinic)
Wednesday 18th Dec 2024 730am-1030am (appointment/and drop in clinic.)
Any parents who would like an appointment for the 17th and 18th clinics can contact 07 838 3565 to book.The Ear Bus will be parked up across from the cinema in the Lee St Carpark
Free ear clinic service for children
All children must be accompanied by parent or legal guardian, otherwise a consent form must be completed.
For enquiries regarding this service or to book an appointment please contact The Children’s Ear Clinic on 07 838 3565The Ear Nurse can provide advice on: glue ear assessment and management, wax/foreign body removal, grommet checks, treatment of discharging ears
Please note clinics may be cancelled without notice due to unforeseen circumstances. Clinic will be closed for staff breaks. These will be noted on clinic door.
The T4 ear bus schedule can be found at the link below
Children's ear clinic » Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand Waikato (
Nga Mihi
Skyla Burgoyne-Thomas
Specialty clinical nurse | Waikato DHB Community&Southern Rural Services
p:07 8383565 m:0272756254 f:07 834 3897 e: